Saturday, October 25, 2008

Web Conferencing Training Availble

In the next few minutes you will discover a web conferencing and training system that delivers state of the art technology at and very cost effecitve price you can't turn your back on.

This Tuesday October 28th, I'll be doing another web conferencing training at 7AM central time for our SEO team then at 11 AM central in the Veretekk web conferencing room.

In Veretekk there are several web conferencing trainings scheduled weekly it's best to just check the calendar for times. I update my event schedule weekly it's located at:

To try your own web conference room go to and get a free room. Fair warning though it turns into a pumpkin at midnight. The best way to avoid having to get a new web conference room everyday is to get a 3 person room. It's under $12 a month and is worth it not to have to sign up an configure a new room everyday.